The Cab Curve
--- a generalization of the Weierstrass form to arbitrary plane curves
(Japanese version)
When we construct one-point algebraic geometry codes,
we have to find a basis of L(mQ) having pairwise distinct
pole orders at Q. If we have the defining equation of a
hyperelliptic curve in the Weierstrass form, then we can easily
find such a basis of L(mQ) for the unique place Q
at infinity. This fact can be generalized for an arbitrary curve
as follows.
The formal English reference for this fact is
this research article.
Let V be an plane algebraic set defined by a bivariate
polynomial of form
c_{b,0} X^b
+ c_{0,a} Y^a +
\sum_{ai + bj < ab} c_{i,j} X^i Y^j.
Then V is an algebraic curve with a unique rational place
Q, and pole divisors of X and Y are
aQ and bQ respectively.
If V is nonsingular, then a basis of L(mQ) is
\{ X^i Y^j |
0 \leq i, 0 \leq j \leq a-1, ai + bj \leq m \}.
Elements in the basis have pairwise distinct discrete valuations at Q.
More detailed statements and their complete proofs are described
in AMS LaTeX 1.2 format,
DVI format,
PDF format, and
PostScript format.
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